BuiltWith Firefox Extension

⏰ Old Post

This post is over 16 years old - it might be slightly outdated and consigned to the history books.

Mozilla Firefox™ users now have the benefit of having BuiltWith built into the Firefox statusbar. It provides quick lookups for the current page you are on as well as the option to search for any site with the navigation bar at the top of the popup.

Double-clicking on the icon will bring up the technology profiler box that will scan the site you are on and return the technologies it is using -

Firefox users can install the Extension Here.

Review by Softpedia

Note: You will have to authorise builtwith.com to allow us to install the extension, you may notice a yellow bar appear when you click the above link at the top of your screen. Simply add builtwith.com to your whitelist and re-click the link.

We value your feedback on the Builtwith Firefox Extension, add a comment if you find a problem or want it to do something else. Thanks!

Japanese Visitors -

またBuiltWith Firefox Extensionによって表示される情報には関連するサービスやプロダクトへのリンクも含まれており、なかなか活用のしがいがある作りになっている。 Web管理者はBuiltWith.comやBuiltWith Firefox Extensionを一度調査してみるといいだろう。Source: MyCom.co.jp


BuiltWith® is a website profiler tool that tells you what a website is Built With.

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