Google’s Web Dominance In Advertising, Analytics, Video and Search Engine Registration

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Hello everyone, this blog entry is from a report we’ve done looking at Google and how they appear to control most of the web infrastructure! Websites that don’t have some link or usage of Google are few and far between. Checkout the report below or download this report as a PDF.


Google is the most visited website on the internet, with an estimated 150 million visitors a month to its predominant business, search.

However, Google is not just about search, they run Google Analytics, Google Adsense, Google Adwords, to name just a few of the additional services they provide.

This report which relies on information from BuiltWith Web Trends details how Google is dominant in many web technology areas.


Online advertising provides a revenue stream for website owners and a promotion and marketing channel for advertisers. Most advertisers provide two channels, one for their advertising partners and one for web site owners.

Advertising Trends


Founded in 1996, DoubleClick is one of the largest ad-serving websites in the world. Providing early day banner advertising technology it continues to sell advertising technology via its DART products. The business was sold to Google in 2007.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense provides contextual advertising by downloading a copy of the page the advertising code has been embedded into and then showing advertising in relation to the content of the page. Adsense was created from a technology called WordNet utilized by a company called Quigo, which was purchased by Google in April 2003 for $102 million.


Tracking advertising technologies is more complicated than other technologies due to the techniques advertisers use to display advertising. Some niche advertisers actually purchase advertising off bigger partners whilst other advertisers such as Commission Junction use random domain names for affiliate links.


Atlas is a Microsoft owned advertising solution which have less than half of Google and DoubleClick share of the sites profiled by BuiltWith Trends.


With Google controlling both Adsense and DoubleClick it appears Google is the biggest advertiser on the web.


Analytics, or web analytics is gathered by measuring internet data either directly or indirectly. 3rd Party analytics typically work by creating a javascript tag to perform certain functions such as creating a cookie (that allows return visitor tracking, bounce tracking) and testing browser functionality (version, screensize) as well as this the request provides the tracking code with information regarding the location of the visitor. All of this information is aggregated and compiled into the analytical information made available to the user.

Analytics Trends

Google Analytics

Fully introduced in August 2006, this free service provides a hugely complete tracking service for website owners, eclipsing any paid-for web analytic tools on the web and therefore becoming the most implemented analytical tool on the web as well as being one of the single largest 3rd party technology implementation on any website.

Google Analytics is implemented on more than half of the web sites that BuiltWith Trends tracks and has been showing a steady but slow rise in usage since November 2008.



Quantcast Tracking differs from Google Analytics in that it offers public visitor tracking information for websites as well as providing sophisticated information regarding audience-based profiles.


Omniture is a public company with over 1000 employees, they target larger audience and large company websites via their large array of web technology product offerings.


Google is likely to stay ahead of its competitors due to its product offering being free, sophisticated and reliable.


Media includes any element of a site that has an audio/visual theme. Although video media has been available on the internet for a while (typically via Windows Media Player and RealPlayer), embedded media was not as popular until Adobe Flash provided a cross-browser friendly method of embedding media into a webpage.



YouTube is the most embedded media type as reported by BuiltWith Trends. Founded in 2005 the video uploading website provided the ability for its users to embed media into a users webpage. Google acquired YouTube, after having limited success with their offering of Google Video, for $1.65 billion in November 2006.



Brightcove is a company created in 2004 that provides Reuters syndication and has multiple partnerships with content creators. The platform bills itself as a leading online video platform that provides professional paid accounts for video production.


Vimeo is a large social video site with over 1 million members, also founded in 2004 it was one of the first websites to provide high definition playback.


YouTube embedded video content is one of the most popular embeddable video media mostly due to incredible popularity and reliability.

Search Engine Registration

The big three search engines, Google, Yahoo and Bling/Live provide methods in which a website can register itself with the search engine and provide a sitemap and control aspects of the websites details on the search engine.

To verify website ownership the search engines provide meta code or file upload verification functionality. BuiltWith can track websites that use meta code verification.


Google Webmaster

Google Webmaster tools was one of the first webmaster registration tools available. A quarter of all sites are identified as being registered with Google Webmaster Tools. As meta verification may only identify half of the sites registered with Google Webmaster, up to 50% of websites could be registered with Google.


Yahoo! Site Explorer

Yahoo! Site Explorer is Yahoo’s service that provides sitemap registration and URL removal requests.

Bling Webmaster

MSN / Bling Webmaster Center is a similar service for Bling Search Engines.


Google is extremely dominant in many areas of web technology, using its search dominance and massive global audience to promote its other products. It has gained most of these positions through acquisitions and superior product offering, in some cases offering better products for free over its charging customers.

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