Moving to Real Time

⏰ Old Post

This post is over 10 years old - it might be slightly outdated and consigned to the history books.

BuiltWith first told people what websites were "built with" back in 2007, only 11 months after Google Analytics became fully available for people and businesses to add to their websites. In those 7 years web integrated services have grown into a billion dollar industry.

The web is constantly changing and to keep up with the pace of this change we're rolling out a new project (which internally has been known as Santana22) that moves us to a real time update infrastructure. This means we'll be using a new resource pool of over 7.5 billion entry points to find new leads and technologies in use on the web today.

Realtime Indexing Backend System Login Realtime Indexing Backend System Login

The system has entered production today and will be fine tuned over the coming weeks to ensure it's running at full capacity on production servers from within our test environment.

A Santana22 development processor machine

The refreshed back-end will be used to improve front-end functionality, beginning with a default report type of "Live" - rather than static snapshots between dates, the default technology report type will now reflect live results from the entire internet.

Live Reports By default, technology reports will now be live.

We'll be doing some case studies on the power of this system in the coming weeks. If you've got any questions please contact us we're happy to help.

BuiltWith® is a website profiler tool that tells you what a website is Built With.

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