Hand Washing

We normally do a useful information blog post every month - this month feels a bit weird doing a 'business as usual' post as it's not really business as usual for anyone.
We've added "COVID-19" as a technology that tracks website that mention COVID in some form - not sure how useful that will be other than interesting to see how many sites it is mentioned on and hopefully shows a trend of how it decreases over time when things eventually get better. That will start to appear here https://trends.builtwith.com/widgets/covid-19 - the Pro dashboard report already has 116,443 sites that mention it and 10% of the top 1m even though that indexing isn't complete yet.
We've added a "wash your hands" message to all technology profiles to try and spread awareness.
We've also updated our business continuity policy which we've had in place since 2017.